Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Rayme Royale says....

Hey Divas and Dukes ~

Looks like I'm FINALLY caught up to the 21st Century! After changing computers and all of the stuff that goes with it....I've never been computer savvy so this HAS been a chore for me. But, at last, here I AM!

I just came back from Monterey and visited the Aquarium there for the first time in my life. I must say, no matter where you live in the world, if you haven't been there, make a point of doing so! Truly magical, extremely inspirational, and VERY good for the soul! I sat in front of 3 huge windows of water with a kelp garden in it and watched the live anchovies literally do dance formations that even the greatest choreographer couldn't come up with! That with the light hitting their silver bodies at times had me truly awe-struck! (And gave me a GREAT idea for another Rayme Card!)

As we always talk about, inspiration can be found anywhere....ANYWHERE...and I knew that the Aquarium would be that for me.
AND the walks on the beach, AND the incredible Clam Chowder on the wharf....it goes on and on....

So I'm back in San Diego and rejuvenated and so looking forward to sitting down with all of my craft stuff to CREATE, CREATE, CREATE!

I look forward to hearing from many more of you and thank you all for listening to the Diva Craft Lounge!



Thena said...

Hi there my fabulous Diva and Duke!
Sending you hugs!


Scrapbook Diva & Rayme Royale said...

Yeah Rayme,

Welcome to the 21st century!!!! I'm sooo happy you've joined me. I always love listening to you're stories and where you get your inspiration.
I'm truly blessed to have you in my life for soooo many reasons.

And I just want to thank our listeners for being so loyal to the Diva Craft Lounge Radio Show. We wouldn't be here without you!!!!

Hi Miss Thena,

We miss hearing your lovely voice on the air with us. Are you bringing your hubby on our Cruise???????

dawnaclark said...

Just listened this episode while playing with my scrapbook markers (taking a "doodling" class at big picture scrapbooking)...you guys just put a smile on my face! I had a really rough morning and thought I'd get caught up on my "divasodes" and low and behold...it worked!
Thanks for doing what you do so well. You guys ROCK !!
Have a Diva Day!! (Now where's my tiara?) HUgs to you both!