Sunday, August 12, 2007

"Havin a Diva Birthday!!!"

Hi Divas And Dukes,

Sorry I haven't posted for a while. Sat. was my 29th (again) birthday.

My celebrating started on Fri. when I took a few hours and had some creativity time with Divas Betty and Jen. I was working on a recipe album that I've been trying to finish since April. I'm finishing up the embellishments/bling. Jens 4 year old daughter was there and asked her mommy if "Diva Danielle was a teenager!!". My first thought was I LOVE this little "Diva in Training" and then I thought oh my gosh!!! ... I'm never going to act my age and I'm OK with that!!!! I love that children can see that and except it.

I was taken out to high tea by my favorite Grand Duchess Jan and Diva Jane. I love this B-day ritual we have.The tea shop is called The Aubry Rose in la Mesa ,Ca. When you walk in the door you feel like your in another world and your on vacation mode for an hour and a half. The owners Lorna and Dave are the perfect hosts and the high tea is to die for. Not only the usual cucumber and egg sandwiches but a savory sun dried tomato puff pastry, herb scone, bread pudding with chocolate sauce, and a lemon butter cookie with raspberry jam. Yes .... this was not a carb free high tea. but wait there's more!!! We finished it off with a lemon and lavender scone with the usual lemon curd, clotted cream and jam. So not only was I on a major caffeine high I was on a sugar rush!!!!! And this is only Fri.

Sat , I awoke to a mound of presents with a beautiful summer bouquet of flowers on top. Tom bought me a wonderful set of gourmet cookware. Smart man.... He knows I love to cook and of course instead of going to brunch, I wanted to use my new pans!!!!! They are Fab!!!!

The best part of my day was getting phone calls from all my dear friends all over.

Oh yeah.... and doing a kick boxing workout to get rid of the guilt of the high tea!

I paced myself the rest of the day because my nephews were coming over in the evening. I call them the Boy-Boyz. their 6 1/2. They have a tradition of baking me a cake and while they do this my sister takes the photos and puts them in a little flip book. This year the cake was chocolate with chocolate frosting and dinosaur sprinkles on top. I tell you .... it doesn't get any better than that!!!! We went to night zoo at the San Diego Zoo after that . We only spent an hour there but it was terrific.

We saw an artist who paints wild animals by splashing paint on the canvas. Totally amazing . You can't figure out what the animal is until he turns the canvas up side down for the big reveal!!!! Check him out at What a gift he has. I'd love to own one of his pieces of art when I get more wall space!!!

To round out the B-day weekend we went to the local farmers market to hear our friends Betty and Pete Anderson perform . They were super. The crowd loved them. Pete's a pen and ink artist and Betty is a great singer and avid scrapbooker. She has a scrapbook room to die for. She's going to help me do a little organizing. I hope she knows what she's in for. I'm continuing my b-day for the rest of the month to spend some one on one time with all the people who are so dear to me. I am truly blessed.

Thank you all for being a part of my life.


Rayme Royale said...


Since my schedule has been whacky, we've agreed to extend Diva Danielle's Birthday through out the month! So I look forward to having her at my house for one of her favorites....Grilled Pizzas!!!

And you know what, we should treat everybody as if it's their birthday everyday! LIfe is a gift, and we are all so blessed to have a lot of gifts in our lives wrapped up in unique packages in the likes of human BEINGS!



x said...

Happy Birthday to you :) ... LOL! about the 29 again tee hee!! Enjoy & have a wonderful year - Nisha

PS: Grilled Pizzas sound YUM!! Rayme

Scrapbook Diva & Rayme Royale said...

Thanks for the b-day wishes. Maybe we can get Rayme to give us the recipe. He makes the best grilled pizzas EVER!!!!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Danielle! I was thinking about you this weekend. Sounds like you had lots of fun memories with more to come with Rayme's dinner.


crazycurlgirl said...

You two talk food all the time on your REALLY need to include the recipes on the blog, so we can all share the calories....I think it will increase our creativity and make an awesome album.

Scrapbook Diva & Rayme Royale said...

I think that's a great idea. i was thinking of passing on some recipes but didn't know if our Divas and Dukes would be interested. I'd be more than happy to share some of my calories with all of you!!!!

Andrea Venn said...

HAPPY 29th Diva! Wow, you have been so busy with so many fun things. Sounds like you have had lots of creative opportunities. Can't wait to scrap together again!