Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Creativity at it's FULLEST!

Hello Diva's and Dukes!

Fall is in the air. Creativity seems to be bursting out of me in all sorts of directions. Not only on the card making front, (which there will be a very long awaited surprise coming soon on the radio show about that) but in the music writing front, and the directing and musical directing front! This week will be the opening of the popular musical, "High School Musical" that I had the honor to direct and musical direct at a professional junior theatre company here in San Diego called, The J* Company.

I have an amazing cast of 70! Yes, 70 Beings from the ages of 12 through 17. An INCREDIBLE bright colored stage set in a beautiful 500 seat theatre, a six piece orchestra and every imaginable visual affect that they would let me have! Needless to say, it has been a joy to be creative at this kind of genre and I so enjoy working with young ones like this. To bring out their passion in what they love doing and being a part of that energetic joy is truly priceless and inspiring!

I am in a huge place of gratefulness connecting with creative Beings who are doing their thing and can help spark each other in our own avenues of creativity whether it be writing, poetry, music, art, dance, singing, scrap booking, card making, crafting, BRING IT ON!

And to share new products and new ideas with our faithful listeners through out the world is the icing on this out-rageously delicious cake! Thank you ALL!

Let's ALL strive to be multi-taskers in the CREATIVE ARENA! Lord knows, we do it on a daily basis with everything else we have to do! How hard can it be?




Scrapbook Diva & Rayme Royale said...

HI Rayme,Divas, and Dukes,

Thanks for reminding us to be grateful for the abundance of creativity we have in our lives!!!!! And thank you to all our listeners all over the planet who take the time to listen and share their creativity with us. We are truely blessed.

x said...

Sorry my geography is quite bad, but I thought you mentioned that you live in Southern California… hope you are all safe out there ((hugs))

debd94 said...

Dear Danielle and Rayme,
How about "scallop makes me gallop"?

Debbie Goldman